Monday, September 13, 2010

Party in the USA

"Why do skunks wake up in the morning and make us smell their stuff?" This is just one of Hannah's many inquiries along our trip to the States.....Hahaha.....we had just pasted a dead skunk that was really smelly.

So we went to see Dave's parents on their mission at temple square for a few days, the kids loved seeing them. They showed us all around and Hallee always asks a lot about what is inside the temples, so it was really neat for her to see the model of the Salt Lake temple where it shows all the floors and different rooms.
We stopped at Kris and Cam's in Kallispell, then went to Steph and Wayne's in Pocatello, Rita and Brent's in Layton and then back to Steph and Wayne's. Lot's of travel, lot's of cousins and ton's of fun.

Dave and all his sisters, and Brent ran in the Pocatello Marathon.Some doing the 5mile and half marathon. Pretty neat to have all of them do it. All the kids played so good and Steph planned a night out on the town for all of us adults(she's so great!)

A fun little holiday, and now summer's at an end.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Porter was born on August 9th, 4wks ago.
Wow, does time sure go by fast.
We went in to see Dr. Adolf for my weekly appointment and was induced an hour later, and then had Porter 3 hours later...pretty fast, and with no epidural. The nurse said I went from 5cm and then with the next contraction to 10cm and hello baby...(I'll be known as the screamer on that floor for a while!) He was 7.5lbs, has more hair then any of the girls did and long arms and big hands.We had a list of names that we liked ...Porter was the one we loved ...Teancum for his middle name cause he's a fighter and strong(I had some issues earlier in my pregnancy with the doctors finding a scar in my uterus that they worried about and then my blood type issues...but he is healthy, healthy=) and the Pilling name gets carried on (making Grampa Pilling proud!)
Dave and I are so excited still to finally have Porter here, as it seemed like the last month took forever. The girls love, love him and ask if they can hold, or smooch him whenever they see him.
4weeks already...with lot's of help from family and friends, lot's of fun, travelling. It sure is great to have family so close. Thanks everyone=)